Our Services

  • 911 Dispatcher/Operator Recruitment and Retention
  • Develop Land-Mobile Radio & 911 Operations
  • Improve Dispatcher/Operator Performance Metrics
  • 911 Leadership and Management Development
  • IT Liaison for Public Safety Agencies and Vendors
  • Providing Expert Consultations

Leading to Success by...

  • Identifying Problems
  • Creating Strategies
  • Building Teams
  • Engaging Your Workforce
  • Accomplishing Goals
  • Achieving Measurable Outcomes 

Recruitment & Retention

911 Recruitment and retention is about leadership and organization.  An agency’s failure to recruit and retain employees is the symptom of a larger problem.  There can be no recruitment strategy for your 911 agency until issues surrounding retention are resolved.  This requires an unbiased overview of all facets of your agency to determine exactly why your agency is experiencing a decrease in staffing levels, and then identifying changes that are needed to reverse this trend.   New recruitment strategies will be implemented to find a larger pool of qualified candidates, rebrand your agency, improve hiring processes, and build trust with new and current employees to achieve long-term success. 

Land-Mobile Radio & 911 Operations

Radio communications are critical for any public safety agency. As technology and agency needs evolve, TEN-4 Consulting can help develop your agency's communications plans, including: programing & assignments, daily operations, interoperability, and plans for incidents and events.

Internal policies and procedures regarding CAD and dispatch require coordination with law enforcement and other agencies to ensure communications continuity.  Inefficiencies can result in delayed response times and other consequences, as well as a substandard experience for first responders and the public. We will help enhance your agency's operations to improve efficiencies and overall performance levels, such as dispatch times and response times.  


Performance Metrics

Data and performance metrics are key factors in diagnosing the overall health of your 911 agency and its employees. The leadership team must be proactive, not reactive, to ensure that there are no lapses in service, or dispatcher & operator performance. TEN-4 will develop a detailed employee performance program for your agency, which will be an effective tool to measure success.  Requirements must be realistic and sustainable, and expectations must be clearly defined.  A remediation process must be implemented as well to build dispatcher/operator confidence and to improve outcomes.   

Leadership & Management Development

Members of the 911 leadership and management team play the most influential role at your 911 agency.  Their actions and decisions will have the largest impact on the agency’s success, effectiveness, and its ability to grow. One of their many roles is to lead a cohesive team that is supported, engaged, and committed to providing an above standards customer service experience to other first responders and the public.  To move the agency forward, leaders must provide resources, structure, and specific directions to dispatchers and operators.  TEN-4 Consulting will coach your managers to develop their supervisory skills, and increase their ability to influence frontline workers in a positive way.  


IT Liaison

As technology companies and public safety agencies continue to collaborate as vendor and customer, sometimes industry leaders are speaking two different languages as they move in opposite directions. TEN-4 will build bridges between public safety agencies and technology companies, acting as a liaison to overcome obstacles to achieve success.

Providing Expert Consultations

Offering expertise as a consultant to lawyers, auditors, and national/international consulting firms. Additionally, conducting independent investigations and audits of 911 phone calls and radio transmissions, in accordance with industry standards and department/agency guidelines.
