Contributed to Washington DC 911 Overtime Report, NBC News 8/20/24
Interview with Mark Fletcher, Off the Cuff podcast, 1/30/23
Interview with Ashley Valenzuela, Let's Talk Dispatch podcast, 12/13/22

"Stress” is Killing 911 Recruitment and Retention
Most people who work as 911 dispatchers or operators would unequivocally say that their job is stressful, the one common thread in communications that everyone can agree upon. A recent report published by The Occupational Information Network, or O*NET, which is part of the U.S. Department of Labor, recently ranked the job of public safety telecommunicator at # 8 on their list of most stressful jobs [out of 873 jobs] (Alund, n.d.).
Somebody's "Kingdom" is Killing 911 Recruitment & Retention in your PSAP
911 Directors must be aware of the “Kingdom” scenario in their PSAP. In other words, who is in control of something that only THEY know how to do? Leadershipneeds to realize that this is probably on purpose and creates many problems. If you don’t know who has their own kingdom, ask the SILENT MAJORITY (AKA the people who keep quitting) who are yearning for change, fairness, and opportunity.

Empowering 9-1-1 professionals to achieve resilience driven excellence in life and peak performance at work. The 911 Training Institute accomplishes this mission through delivery of science-based training and customized consulting services to the 9-1-1 industry.